Vietnamese Calligraphy and Ink wash painting

Course Details:

Free courses for Vietnamese children and youth 

Language: Vietnames

Instructor: Minh Thư 

From 18-Jan-2024 every second Thursday 

Course 1A : 14.00-15.00 , Course 1B: 15.00-16.00

Room: Hamrefjellet

Fana Kulturhus Østre Nesttunvegen 18, 5221 Nesttun

Please contact for more information or enrolling in the course 

Week 1 and 2: Introduction to Calligraphy Basics

Week 1: Orientation

Overview of calligraphy and its history (10 mins)

Introduction to calligraphy tools: nibs, holders, ink, and paper

Proper posture and hand positioning

Week 2: Fundamental Strokes

Practice basic strokes: upstrokes, downstrokes, and ovals

Understanding line thickness variations

Introduction to basic letterforms: minuscules

Week 3 and 4: Exploring the Alphabets

Week 3: Lowercase Alphabets

Focus on mastering lowercase letters

Practice forming letters in groups

Emphasis on style and spacing

Week 4: Uppercase Alphabets

Introduction to uppercase letterforms

Practice forming uppercase letters

Combining uppercase and lowercase letters

Week 5 and 6: Connecting Letters and Words

Week 5: Letter Connections

Understanding the flow of letters

Practice connecting letters in a word

Emphasis on maintaining consistency

Week 6: Forming Words and Phrases

Introduction to basic words and phrases

Focus on creating aesthetically pleasing compositions

Experimenting with different writing styles

Week 7 and  8: Special Techniques and Flourishes

Week 7: Adding Style

Introduction to different calligraphy styles

Experimenting with variations in letter forms

Understanding the importance of individual style

Week 8: Adding Flourishes

Basics of adding decorative flourishes

Incorporating simple embellishments

Developing a personal flair in writing

Week 9 and 10: Creating Projects

Week 9: Greeting Cards

Designing and creating personalized greeting cards

Incorporating calligraphy into card layouts

Using color and embellishments for enhancement

Week 10: Poster or Quote Project

Creating a calligraphy poster with a favorite quote

Emphasizing layout and design principles

Exploring creative expression through calligraphy

Week 11 and 12: Final Projects and Review

Week 11: Final Project - Poem

Write a poem or wish for your parents in calligraphy

Week 12: Showcase and Review

Sharing and showcasing individual projects of participants